In the evolving landscape of robotics, two intriguing examples demonstrate the convergence of biology and engineering. One of these is a wheeled robot, gliding smoothly across the floor, while the other is a soft-bodied, star-shaped robot that moves with a deliberate, if somewhat awkward, shuffle by flexing its five limbs.

At first glance, these robots might appear rudimentary, especially since they are powered by conventional electricity supplied via standard plugs or batteries. However, the true innovation lies not in their movement or power source, but in what controls them: a living organism, specifically the king oyster mushroom.

These robots are not driven by traditional electronic circuits or software algorithms. Instead, they are guided by the biological processes of the mushroom’s mycelium—the network of rootlike threads that naturally grow and extend through the substrate. By integrating the mycelium into the robots’ hardware, the research team from Cornell University has developed a novel biohybrid system. This system leverages the electrical signals generated by the fungus, as well as its inherent sensitivity to environmental stimuli such as light, to control the robots’ movements and responses.

The mycelium acts as both a sensory and processing unit, allowing the robots to interact with their surroundings in a way that is fundamentally different from conventional machines. This approach to robotics is part of a cutting-edge field known as biohybrid robotics. In this discipline, scientists aim to merge biological materials—ranging from plant and animal cells to entire organisms like insects—with synthetic components to create entities that are part living and part mechanical. These biohybrids possess the potential to harness the adaptive, responsive, and self-healing properties of living systems, combined with the precision and durability of engineered structures.

While biohybrid robots are still in the experimental phase and largely confined to laboratory settings, the possibilities they represent are vast and varied. Researchers envision future applications where biohybrid robots could operate in environments and perform tasks that are challenging for purely mechanical systems.

For example, robot jellyfish might be deployed to explore the depths of oceans, sperm-powered bots could revolutionize fertility treatments, and cyborg cockroaches might one day be used to locate survivors trapped in the rubble following an earthquake. These potential applications highlight the unique capabilities of biohybrid robots, which blend the adaptability of living organisms with the precision of engineered technology.

The Parts – Fungus and Machine

The research team embarked on this innovative project by first cultivating Pleurotus eryngii, commonly known as king oyster mushrooms, using a readily available cultivation kit. This species was specifically selected due to its robust growth characteristics; it is known for its ease of cultivation and rapid development, which makes it an ideal candidate for experimental applications in biohybrid systems.

The focus of the research was on the mushroom’s mycelium, the intricate, threadlike structures that form the vegetative part of the fungus. These mycelial networks are remarkable for their ability to perform several key functions that are typically associated with biological neural networks. According to the study, mycelium can sense environmental changes, communicate signals within the network, and transport nutrients across its structure. These capabilities are somewhat analogous to the functions of neurons in a brain, albeit on a different scale and with different underlying mechanisms.

However, it is important to clarify that the term “shroom bots” might be misleading in this context. The mushroom itself is merely the reproductive structure, or fruiting body, of the fungus. In this case, the robots are not powered by the mushroom per se, but by the mycelium, the rootlike network that serves as the main organism. This distinction is crucial, as the mycelium is the component responsible for the bioelectrical activity that enables the robot to sense and respond to its environment.

Credit: Anand Mishra

By integrating these living mycelial networks into the robotic systems, the researchers have effectively created a new class of biohybrid robots. These robots are not just mechanical devices but are partly living systems, capable of interacting with their surroundings in a way that is fundamentally different from traditional robots. This pioneering work lays the groundwork for future advancements in biohybrid robotics, where living organisms and synthetic components are combined to create systems with unique, biologically-derived capabilities.

Mycelium, the root-like network of fungal threads, is capable of generating small electrical signals as it grows and interacts with its environment. This is due to the movement of ions and changes in the electrical properties of the mycelial network, which can create minute electrical potentials. Researchers have discovered that these electrical signals can be harnessed by connecting electrodes to the mycelium.

By doing so, the mycelium’s natural bioelectrical activity can be monitored and utilized to control various technologies, including biohybrid robots. The ability to integrate these biological signals with electronic systems opens up new possibilities for creating responsive, living-control interfaces and innovative applications in fields such as robotics and environmental monitoring.

Mishra developed an advanced electrical interface capable of precisely capturing the raw electrical activity of the mycelia, which are the root-like structures of the mushroom. This interface then translates these electrical signals into digital data that can control the robot’s actuators or moving parts. As a result, the robots could walk and roll in reaction to the electrical impulses produced by the mycelia. Additionally, when Mishra and his team exposed the robots to ultraviolet light, the robots altered their movement patterns and direction. This demonstrated their ability to adapt their behavior in response to environmental stimuli, proving the effectiveness of integrating biological elements with robotic systems.

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