[Easily Explained] Difference between DATA and GREEDYDATA with Example

Introduction to DATA and GREEDYDATA

Regular expressions, commonly known as regex, are patterns used to match text in a flexible and efficient way. They are widely used in programming, data extraction, and text validation. One of the most popular regex engines is PCRE (Perl Compatible Regular Expressions), which powers regex in various applications, including WordPress plugins.

Difference between DATA and GREEDYDATA

In regex, both DATA and GREEDYDATA are used for capturing text, but they behave differently:

  • DATA: Matches any sequence of characters except for a newline. It stops when it reaches the first instance of a delimiter or pattern that follows it.
  • GREEDYDATA: Matches everything, including spaces, until the end of the input or until it encounters another defined pattern.

These terms are commonly used in Logstash Grok patterns, which simplify regex usage for log parsing.

Understand this in a non-technical way

Imagine you are searching for a phrase in a book:

  • If you use DATA, it stops at the first punctuation or word boundary.
  • If you use GREEDYDATA, it keeps reading until the end of the chapter, or even the entire book, unless told otherwise.

Think of it like eating cookies:

  • DATA stops eating when it finds the first raisin in a cookie.
  • GREEDYDATA eats the whole cookie jar unless someone stops it!

Explain this in a technical way

  • DATA is equivalent to [^\n]*, meaning it matches any sequence of characters except for a newline (\n).
  • GREEDYDATA is equivalent to .*, which means it matches any character (including spaces) as many times as possible.
  • In regex terminology, .* is a greedy quantifier, meaning it tries to match the longest possible string before stopping.

an easy-to-understand GREEDYDATA and DATA example

Log Line:

[INFO] User logged in from

Using DATA:

grok {
match => { "message" => "
\[INFO\] %{DATA:user_message} " }


"user_message": "User"


grok {
match => { "message" => "
\[INFO\] %{GREEDYDATA:user_message} " }


"user_message": "User logged in from"


  • GREEDYDATA captures everything after the log level.
  • DATA stops at the first space.

Where this is used

  • Log file parsing in ELK Stack (Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana)
  • WordPress security plugins that analyze logs
  • System monitoring tools that filter event messages
  • Any scenario where extracting structured data from unstructured text is needed


Understanding DATA and GREEDYDATA is crucial for working with regex efficiently. While DATA is useful for capturing short, controlled segments of text, GREEDYDATA is ideal for capturing large blocks of text unless specific constraints are applied. Knowing when to use each can greatly improve text parsing and data extraction in various applications.

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