
Spinel Crux – Gesture Controlled Robot for Wireless Surveillance – Part 2
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Spinel Crux – Gesture Controlled Robot for Wireless Surveillance – Part 2

This is the second part of the Spinel Crux Tutorial – Gesture Controlled Robot for wireless surveillance. In this series, we will build a robot which can travel through rough terrain that can be controlled using hand gestures. Gesture Controlled Robot Tutorial To control the robot, we will be using the control gloves, which will…

micro:bit – Compact and Cheap Microcontroller for your Project | microbit Tutorial
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micro:bit – Compact and Cheap Microcontroller for your Project | microbit Tutorial

Here, I will explain how to get up and running with the BBC microbit Microcontroller. We will start up with some basic example such as blinking lights, pushing button before moving onto some advanced things with it. micro:bit MicroController If you haven’t heard or seen of micro bit,  is basically a microcontroller Platform designed by…

Top 5 WiFi Routers 2018

2017 was a year of great advancements in digital world. So many new inventions, protocols. On the other hand, there were so many cyber attacks based on Computer Wireless Networks. Some of the best WiFi manufacturers responded very fast and made the patch available for all their devices. Based on several surveys, we have collected…