
Tips for Choosing PCB Components

Important Tips for Choosing PCB Components In choosing the appropriate PCB components that can bring your PCB design to fruition, there are some essential tips you should put into critical consideration. These tips are to be considered during the design process to make you derive an exotic PCB that will serve your needs. The following…

HuskyLens Tutorial | Husky Lens Getting Started Guide

HuskyLens Tutorial – Getting Started Hey guys, welcome back to RootSaid and in this post, I am going to show you something new. Something I haven’t used before – The HuskyLens. AI-Powered easy-to-use vision sensor which can learn a new object, face, and color just by clicking. In this HuskyLens tutorial, I am going to…

Latest Machine Learning Applications |Artificial Intelligence 2020

Machine Learning / Deep learning is a subset of AI has been making a lot of waves recently. In previous videos and posts we’ve seen how deep neural nets are progressing rapidly within many fields. We’ve seen this technology and Machine Learning Applications diagnose medical conditions with more accuracy than trained experts. AI or Artificial…

Art from Wine – Robots that Create Splash Paintings from Wine

Robots that are powered by Raspberry Pi and Arduino can now create art from wine. Combining cloud computing and Internet of Things hardware, the Splash Machine allows users to create their own wine art online, streamed live and photographed for posterity. Spilling wine is typically something to be avoided, though the shapes made by wine…

Arduino BLE Ejemplo Explicado Paso a Paso

Explicación del código de ejemplo Arduino BLE En esta serie de tutoriales, te daré una idea básica que necesitas saber sobre Bluetooth Low Energy y te mostraré cómo puedes hacer Arduino BLE Chipset para enviar y recibir datos de forma inalámbrica desde teléfonos móviles y otras placas Arduino. Empecemos. Arduino Nano 33 BLE Sense Hoy,…


Gesture Controlled Robot Arduino & PAJ7620 Gesture Sensor

Arduino Gesture Controlled Robot Hey guys, welcome back. In this post, I am gonna show you how you can make this Gesture Controlled Robot using Arduino and PAJ7620 Gesture  Sensor. I will explain what PAJ7620 Sensor is, detect various hand gestures and how to control this robot using this sensor. Let’s Get Started. The  Robot …


LoRa Raspberry Pi Gateway – Play with LoRa

This week we’re introducing the new LORA Raspberry Pi gateway in this little enclosure. If you’re not yet familiar with it, LORA is a long-range communication protocol capable of communication distances in the neighborhood of 10 kilometers using low data rates and limited duty cycles. It’s perfect for intermittent or non-real-time long-distance communication applications. Package…

Robótica para principiantes | ¿Cómo hacer un robot para niños?

Este post es para la gente, especialmente los principiantes y los niños que están empezando con los robots de bricolaje y robótica; robótica agradable y fácil para principiantes post. En este tutorial de robótica, te guiaremos a través de los fundamentos de la ‘Robótica para principiantes’ y aprenderás cómo hacer un robot para niños fácilmente….

Posición y colocación de la antena WiFi | Alcance y dirección del router WiFi

Obtener WiFi de alta velocidad – Consejos y trucos para WiFi de alta velocidad En el último post, expliqué las antenas WiFi más comunes que se utilizan con router WiFi y adaptadores WiFi. En este post, voy a explicar la posición de la antena WiFi, así como la colocación de la antena WiFi para la…