
Art from Wine – Robots that Create Splash Paintings from Wine

Art from Wine – Robots that Create Splash Paintings from Wine

Robots that are powered by Raspberry Pi and Arduino can now create art from wine. Combining cloud computing and Internet of Things hardware, the Splash Machine allows users to create their own wine art online, streamed live and photographed for posterity. Spilling wine is typically something to be avoided, though the shapes made by wine…

LoRa Raspberry Pi Gateway – Play with LoRa

LoRa Raspberry Pi Gateway – Play with LoRa

This week we’re introducing the new LORA Raspberry Pi gateway in this little enclosure. If you’re not yet familiar with it, LORA is a long-range communication protocol capable of communication distances in the neighborhood of 10 kilometers using low data rates and limited duty cycles. It’s perfect for intermittent or non-real-time long-distance communication applications. Package…

Posición y colocación de la antena WiFi | Alcance y dirección del router WiFi

Posición y colocación de la antena WiFi | Alcance y dirección del router WiFi

Obtener WiFi de alta velocidad – Consejos y trucos para WiFi de alta velocidad En el último post, expliqué las antenas WiFi más comunes que se utilizan con router WiFi y adaptadores WiFi. En este post, voy a explicar la posición de la antena WiFi, así como la colocación de la antena WiFi para la…