
Making A Gesture Controller Glove using Arduino and Hall Effect Sensor

Hey guys, in this video, we will be making a compact circuit that can be fitted in a glove to control Robots using Gesture commands. It’s really cool to control a pick and place robot completely using hand gestures right? I have been making gesture controlled robot and controlling it using a flex sensor and…

The Path to Robots Powered by Artificial Intelligence

Robotics and AI are two of the most talked about technologies today. And there is a lot of confusion between Robotics and AI. But what exactly is the difference between Artificial Intelligence and Robotics? Are they the same thing? In short, robotics is a technology that involves machines that have physical forms and can be…

Start making your PCBs! Online PCB SMT Service by JLCPCB Review

Introduction to PCB SMT Service Printed circuit boards, also known as PCBs, are frequently utilized during the manufacturing process of electronic devices. The printed circuit board (PCB) is made up of a huge variety of components, each of which may be either passive or active, and the traces on the board are used to connect…

It’s Unbelievable How Something as innocuous as a USB Drive can destroy your Computer!

You do, Do you? When you turn on your computer for work, how many of you take a look at the back of it? Do you ever check to see if your computer has any additional hardware connected before you get started? If you don’t, I can assure you that you will in the future….