Create a High Current Motor Driver Shield for Arduino using Piggybacked L293D Hack!
DIY Motor Driver Hack – Piggybacking L293D is an easy way to double the current of this driver IC to drive high torque / high current motor.
DIY Motor Driver Hack – Piggybacking L293D is an easy way to double the current of this driver IC to drive high torque / high current motor.
A complete comparison between Altium and Autodesk Eagle PCB Designer – Which one should I use and why? Lets take a Deeper Dive!
Make your own USB Joystick Remote Controller using Arduino to play games in your PC and control your own DIY Robots.
Let’s take a look at some of the trends that have been shaping up different industries recently and are likely to do so in the near future.
Lets make an Arduino Board in your Home – In this project we will be making customized Arduino UNO Board for our own Projects!
Choosing the right software is critical for PCB projects. Here is the reason why Altium is the best PCB designing software for your projects.
Using sensors, 3D printed hardware, and motors, the robot (named SNAG) can perch itself on a variety of surfaces – just as nature intended for birds.
5V – 3.3V Logic Level Converter IC for Arduino and Raspberry Pi Hey, Guys welcome back to RootSaid. In this post, I will show you how you can make your own 5V to 3.3V logic converter for connecting 5V sensors to new Arduino Boards and Raspberry Pi. Why do we need a Logic Level Converter…
Companies are finding innovative ways to manage their water supply. Take a look at the latest trends in industrial water Management.
Artificial intelligence is one of the most revolutionary inventions in recent history. It is an invention that has changed our lives tremendously and allowed us to do things we never could before. While Artificial Intelligence has become more advanced, people are still coming up with new ways to create AI devices that can help make…
A few days back we published an article “Home Automation using Arduino Nano” in our blog which was well-received among hobbyists. We also did a Home Automation System using NodeMCU. In this post, we are going to make our home SMARTER. We will be using the IoT features of Arduino Nano 33 IoT to water…