Windows 11 Features and Release Date | Everything we know about Latest Windows OS
Windows 11 Features, Updates, Interface, and Release Date – Here is everything you need to know about the new version of Windows.
Windows 11 Features, Updates, Interface, and Release Date – Here is everything you need to know about the new version of Windows.
If you are here reading this post, you might be looking a way to get saved WiFi password of WiFi networks that were connected earlier and is saved on your PC In this post, I will explain how to recover/get WiFi Password saved in a Linux PC. It will be easier for you to understand…
As you know Kali Linux Debian derivative of Linux distribution focusing on advanced vulnerability assessment and highly complicated penetration testing. Kali Linux is packed with more than 600 tools which are pointed towards web applications, network attacks including WiFi, hardware testing such as Bluetooth, cyber forensics as well as reverse engineering. So far, Kali Linux…
In the last post, we build a Robot that can be controlled via Amazon Alexa using MATRIX Voice installed in a Raspberry Pi. In this tutorial, we will install and setup MATRIX Voice Google Assistant. Yes Google Assistant using your own MATRIX Device and Raspberry Pi. MATRIX Voice Google Assistant Demo Video Sponsor Link This…
Remote Access without Port Forwarding – SSH from outside LAN In this tutorial, I will show you how you can gain remote access without port forwarding. I will be showing you how you can SSH without port forwarding from outside your LAN and reach your device within the private network! What is SSH? Let us…
So what all things we have now? A A Raspberry Pi, A MATRIX Voice, Alexa configured to work with MATRIX Voice and IFTTT. What to do next? How about some home automation? In this post, I will show you how to set up a Matrix Alexa Home Automation system, that can turn on and off…
Access Local device without Port Forwarding ngrok is an service that enables us to connect to any device (inside LAN or internet facing) through any network with out port forwarding. One key advantage of using ngrok is that, you dont have to be local network as your device to access them. You can SSH, use…
In the previous post, we showed you how to setup Amazon Alexa using MATRIX Voice / Creator on Raspberry Pi. All it can do is talk to us and do some some basic stuffs. What if we could control the lights in our home using Alexa? Or control the room temperature? Or open the gate?…
Raspberry Pi Raspberry Pi is small credit card sized, light weight and compact computer available which is used by both professions, hobbyist and of course hackers alike. Raspberry Pi 3 B is the newest version of Raspberry Pi family. This mini computer can do (almost) any thing a normal linux machine can do. It is…
So far, Kali Linux has been the best and most widely used penetration testing OS used by hackers as well as pentesters. During 2017, 3 different versions of Kali Linux was released which came up with a so many new features including support for some new Wireless Card Injection, CUDA GPU support and Amazon AWS,…
WiFi and WPA Now a days, every office, house, hotel, park, hospital and needless to say everywhere there is wi-fi – Wireless network that enables us to connect our laptops, mobile phones, IOT modules and other smart devices to connect to each other and to internet. But a question still remains – How secure…
All the devices on the Internet is provided with a unique address or IP Address for identifying and communicating with each other. In the last few years, there has been a rapid growth in electronics devices such as computers, mobile phones that are connected to the Internet. IPV6 is the most recent version of IP…