Mind-Controlled Robot using Arduino and MindFlex

It is very clear that EEG sensors and headsets are becoming more commercialized and thus accessible to users for building custom brain-machine interfaces with various functionalities from switching TV channels to controlling wheelchairs as in this case. We decided to take it one step further. Here we will show you how we created a Mind-Controlled…

Posición y colocación de la antena WiFi | Alcance y dirección del router WiFi

Obtener WiFi de alta velocidad – Consejos y trucos para WiFi de alta velocidad En el último post, expliqué las antenas WiFi más comunes que se utilizan con router WiFi y adaptadores WiFi. En este post, voy a explicar la posición de la antena WiFi, así como la colocación de la antena WiFi para la…

WiFi Antenna Position and Placement | WiFi Router Range and Direction

Get High Speed WiFi – Tips and Tricks for High-Speed WiFi In the last post, I explained most common WiFi antennas that are used with WiFi router and WiFi adapters. In this post, I will explain WiFi antenna position as well as WiFi antenna Placement for effective and fast WiFi Signal transmission and reception and…

WiFi Antennas Explained – Types of WiFi Antennas

Wireless communication was a revolutionary technology that changed the way we share information.  Wireless communication means transfer of information from one object to another that are not physically connected to each other by means of an electrical conductor. In 1880, photophone was invented by Alexander Graham Bell and Charles Sumner which uses modulated light beams…

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NodeMCU – Set up Arduino IDE and Start using WiFi

IOT is one of the worlds largest and fastest growing technologies.In this post, I will explain a new standalone module based on ESP8266 WiFi SOC, I will be explaining everything you need to know about Node MCU. Sponsor Link This Project is Sponsored by UTSource. UTSource is a professional electronic components supplier. What is NodeMCU?…