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KISMET – KRACK Test in Kali Linux

Kali Linux is one of the best Linux Distribution for security researchers and hobbyists. It packs all the necessary tools advanced network, software and hardware level security testing. In my previous post, I explained about the Test for KRACK attack on Access Points that support FT by Security researcher Vanhoefm. According to a blog post…


KRACK Kali Vulnerability Test – Test Your WiFi Router for KRACK (FT)

Test Your Access Point For KRACK (FT Handshakes) using Kali Linux Security researcher Vanhoefm, who discovered the severe flaw in WPA implementation dubbed – the KRACK ( Key Reinstallation Attack ) has now released a script that can check your router for KRACK using Kali Linux. The script is now available in ‘vanhoefm’ repository. All you…


NodeMCU UDP Listener – Mobile Phone Sensor Data

As I mentioned in the previous posts, Node MCU is a tiny little board is based on the ESP8266 WiFi module which is specifically designed for working with or without microcontrollers which are specifically designed for IOT projects. Today I will how you how you can live stream and process Android Mobile Phone’s Sensor Data…

Arduino MKR WAN1300 with LORA Connectivity

Along with Arduino MKR GSM 1400, Arduino has released another board specifically designed for IOT, extending wireless connectivity using LORA Technology. MKR WAN 1300 is a small, yet powerful board combining the MKR Zero and LORA Technology in a single piece of hardware. LORA WAN is an emerging Wireless Networking Technology, which is designed for…

Arduino MKR GSM 1400 with Global GSM Support

Arduino has now released a new board, supporting wireless connectivity using GSM network, widening the scope for IOT development for hobbyists and people who do not have much experience in the field of networking. Evolution of Arduino has always been a miracle to all competitors around the world. The development and support of Arduino community…