
Access Local Device without Port Forwarding – Ngrok Working & Setup
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Access Local Device without Port Forwarding – Ngrok Working & Setup

  Access Local device without Port Forwarding ngrok is an service that enables us to connect to any device (inside LAN or internet facing) through any network with out port forwarding. One key advantage of using ngrok is that, you dont have to be local network as your device to access them. You can SSH, use…

Program Raspberry Pi Using Arduino – Arduino Now Supports Raspberry Pi

Program Raspberry Pi Using Arduino – Arduino Now Supports Raspberry Pi

Yes, you heard that right. You can now program Raspberry Pi using Arduino. This was announced in the  Embedded Linux Conference 2018, a milestone in the expansion of the architecture support by Arduino Create coding, development and deployment of IoT applications.  Evolution of Arduino has always been a miracle to all competitors around the world. The…

MATRIX Voice Detection PocketSphinx on Raspberry Pi

MATRIX Voice Detection PocketSphinx on Raspberry Pi

Here we will setup speech detection using Pocketsphinx on your Raspberry Pi with MATRIX Voice. PocketSphinx is an easy to use speech recognition engine, mainly focused on IOT and mobile devices. PocketSphinx is actually a library that works hand in hand with another library ‘SphinxBase’ which provides common functionality across all CMUSphinx projects. To setup…