Voice Controlled Door Lock using Alexa and Arduino
We’re going to build an Alexa-controlled door locking system in this video so that we can lock and unlock a door with just our voices.
We’re going to build an Alexa-controlled door locking system in this video so that we can lock and unlock a door with just our voices.
Altium PCB Designer Vs Orcad – Which one is the Best PCB Designer? Lets go through each and every Differences Between them in Detail.
You can protect yourself from the potentially hazardous fumes produced by soldering by building a simple fume extractor with an Arduino, a PC fan, and an LED strip.
¿Cómo usar Altium Designer para hacer PCBs? Te voy a mostrar cómo hacer PCBs para tus propios proyectos de bricolaje fácilmente en tan sólo unos minutos.
How to use Altium Designer to make PCBs? I’m going to show you how to make great PCBs for your own DIY projects easily in just a few minutes.
You do, Do you? When you turn on your computer for work, how many of you take a look at the back of it? Do you ever check to see if your computer has any additional hardware connected before you get started? If you don’t, I can assure you that you will in the future….
DIY Motor Driver Hack – Piggybacking L293D is an easy way to double the current of this driver IC to drive high torque / high current motor.
Make your own USB Joystick Remote Controller using Arduino to play games in your PC and control your own DIY Robots.
Let’s take a look at some of the trends that have been shaping up different industries recently and are likely to do so in the near future.
Lets make an Arduino Board in your Home – In this project we will be making customized Arduino UNO Board for our own Projects!
5V – 3.3V Logic Level Converter IC for Arduino and Raspberry Pi Hey, Guys welcome back to RootSaid. In this post, I will show you how you can make your own 5V to 3.3V logic converter for connecting 5V sensors to new Arduino Boards and Raspberry Pi. Why do we need a Logic Level Converter…