
Arduino Gesture Sensor PAJ7620 Tutorial

Hey guys, welcome back. In this post I will be talking about the Arduino Gesture Sensor – PAJ7620. I will explain what PAJ7620 Gesture Sensor is and How to connect PAJ7620 Gesture Sensor to Arduino. Lets Get Started… Components Needed PAJ7620 Gesture Sensor Arduino Board (or Wemos) Bread Board About PAJ7620 Arduino Gesture Sensor PAJ7620…


PH Sensor Arduino | PH Meter for Arduino

Arduino pH Meter Introduction AAs you all know, pH is a very important unit for measurement of acidity/basic nature of solutions. pH measurement is widely employed in almost every aspects of our life of applications such as agriculture, industries, environmental pollution monitoring, wastewater treatment and in research and development. pH is a measure of the…

How does IR Sensor work? | Programming IR Sensor and Arduino Tutorial

Introduction to IR Sensors If you are a beginner and new to Electronics and Robotics, you might have heard the name of this sensor multiple times – The IR Sensor. But you might not know what it is. This is one of the most widely used sensors in hobby projects like a burglar alarm and…


Arduino Temperature Sensor – Arduino Beginners Project

This is an Arduino beginners project for people who are getting started with Arduino. In this project, we will use an LM35 temperature sensor to sense the temperature of an object.  Before getting started, let us understand what we are dealing with. Let us take a closer look at the LM35 Temperature sensor.  LM35 Temperature…


Myoware EMG Sensor – Arduino Tutorial | Cost Effective EMG Sensor

Sponsor Link This Project is Sponsored by UTSource. UTSource is a professional electronic components supplier. Few months back I did a project on EEG sensor and Arduino – Raw EEG signal extraction using Mindflex and Building a Mind Controlled Robot. This time, I decided to do something related to muscles. A simple Arduino Project encorprating…

Ultrasonic Sensor Arduino Distance Measurement & Result on LCD Screen

In this project, we will use an Arduino Uno and an ultrasonic sensor to measure the distance and display that measured value on an LCD screen using Arduino. Here you will get complete tutorial, codes and instructions to make one yourself. Sponsor Link This Project is Sponsored by UTSource. UTSource is a professional electronic components…

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Spinel Crux – Gesture Controlled Robot for Wireless Surveillance – Tutorial Part 1

In this series, we will build Spinel Crux, a Gesture Controlled Robot which can travel through rough terrain and can be controlled using hand gestures. To control the robot, we will be using control glove, which will have an accelerometer and a flex sensor to control the status and the direction it should move. The…