Raspi-Config install & setup Raspberry Pi Linux | Raspi Config

Hey guys in this post I will show show you how you can easily install raspi-config  in any OS inside Raspberry Pi. Once you burn the image onto an SD card and insert it into the Raspberry Pi you have to do some initial configuration like logging into an account automatically,  enable ssh, expand file…

Smart Weather Sensor Climate Monitoring – Arduino and BME280

Remote Climate Monitoring – Temperature, Humidity, Pressure Monitoring WebPage Display Smart Weather Sensor using Arduino – No server needed! Gather temperature, pressure, humidity and display them on your private Webpage and chart them, and display the actual values on demand. Components Needed for Climate Monitoring Device NodeMCU ESP8266 SparkFun Atmospheric Sensor Breakout – BME280 Everything…

Ubidots Home Automation using Raspberry Pi

A few weeks back we published a tutorial “Home Automation using Raspberry Pi” in rootsaid.com which was well received among hobbyists and college students.This time, we are building a more secure and stable Ubidots Home Automation – The Global Cloud Network for IoT. What is Ubidots? Ubidots provides a simple and secure method for sending…

Gesture Controllled Robot - Spinal Crux
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Spinel Crux – Gesture Controlled Robot for Wireless Surveillance – Part 2

This is the second part of the Spinel Crux Tutorial – Gesture Controlled Robot for wireless surveillance. In this series, we will build a robot which can travel through rough terrain that can be controlled using hand gestures. Gesture Controlled Robot Tutorial To control the robot, we will be using the control gloves, which will…

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Spinel Crux – Gesture Controlled Robot for Wireless Surveillance – Tutorial Part 1

In this series, we will build Spinel Crux, a Gesture Controlled Robot which can travel through rough terrain and can be controlled using hand gestures. To control the robot, we will be using control glove, which will have an accelerometer and a flex sensor to control the status and the direction it should move. The…

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Hand Gesture Controlled WiFi Robot

Welcome to our new DIY series – Spinel Crux –  A DIY Advanced Hand Gesture Control Robot using Raspberry Pi for Wireless Surveillance Project. Yes, of course, building and tinkering with a DIY robot is fun. In this series, we will build a Raspberry Pi Rover Robot which can travel through rough terrain and control…


micro:bit – Compact and Cheap Microcontroller for your Project | microbit Tutorial

Here, I will explain how to get up and running with the BBC microbit Microcontroller. We will start up with some basic example such as blinking lights, pushing button before moving onto some advanced things with it. micro:bit MicroController If you haven’t heard or seen of micro bit,  is basically a microcontroller Platform designed by…


Arduino, PCA9685 Servo Motor Driver 16 Chanel Module Tutorial

As a hobbyist and and electronic enthusiast, you might have heard of Servo Motors and their application. Servo Motors are used in robotics as well as automation projects in home and offices. They are used in door locks, aeroplane wings, robotic hands and they have countless other applications. Using Servo Motors you will have precise…